Late French Immersion

Late French Immersion

Bonjour et bienvenue!  Hello and welcome!


What is Late French Immersion?

Late French Immersion is a proven program designed for students who want to learn to speak, read and write French to a high degree, but who did not begin the program in Kindergarten or Grade 1. In BRSD, students who take Late French Immersion begin learning French in Grade 6. This program has developed over the past 7 years into the extraordinary high-quality program it is today.


What are the benefits to learning French?

French is the second official language of Canada. Students who take Late French Immersion will develop enhanced study, communication and listening skills. Students who understand a second language have increased educational and employment opportunities after graduating. Students will also have better access to other cultures through study and travel. 


Who should take Late French Immersion? 

Late French Immersion is designed for students who: 

➣ do not speak French as their first language. (For over 90% of students currently in French Immersion, neither parent speaks French.)

➣ want to develop the ability to speak, read, write and understand French to a high degree

➣ want to gain knowledge and appreciation of different cultures, traditions and celebrations

➣ have good work habits, are motivated to learn and want to be successful

➣ want more choices for advanced education and career options

➣ are already excelling at courses and are looking for a new challenge


Quality Instruction 

In grade 6, our teacher, Mme Aaron Lawlor, ensures that all students receive a quality education while also developing their language skills. Mme Lawlor creates a positive classroom environment where students are comfortable taking the risks necessary to learn a second language. This continues in the following years with other experienced French Immersion teachers.

Unique Opportunities

➣ Field Trip to Quebec

➣ specialized Field Trips

➣ bilingual environment

École Charlie Killam School provides an inclusive learning environment with French speaking teachers and administrators.


What courses do students take in French?

The Alberta Education Programs of Study are the same for each subject, regardless of the language of instruction. Students will take all core courses in French; Math, Science, Social Studies, and French Language Arts. Students will also take English Language Arts. We try to ensure students also have opportunities to speak in French during Phys. Ed, Health and their option blocks. 


In Grade 6, students in Late French Immersion do not have to write Provincial Achievement Tests in French Language Arts, Science, Math or Social Studies, as they spend a significant portion of the year learning the vocabulary that goes along with these subjects. 


When students reach Grade 8, they will begin to be integrated into the Early French Immersion classroom with the other immersion students. By grade 9, students will be fully integrated into the classroom with the Early Immersion students. When students join with the Early Immersion students, they are able to express themselves fully in French. 


What do our current students say about Late Immersion? 

“Chance of a lifetime. I went in thinking it will be a normal school year but it was different.

You get so close when there are only 6 students in your whole class!

My teacher really helped me become better at French!” 

- Grade 6 student 


“The French Immersion program is a wonderful opportunity to learn a new language, as well as having a community in class that I've never had before, and Madame Lawlor takes classroom enjoyment to another level! Never before, in all my 6 grades, have I had such a positive classroom environment set by students and teachers alike.” 

- Grade 6 student 


“The French program is a good opportunity to get a close community of classmates. I'd recommend trying it out if you're open to taking a risk and get good benefits through loads of hard work.

Our teacher is amazing and is willing to go slow.”

- Grade 7 student 


“The French Immersion program can seem a bit nerve-wracking, but after the first two weeks, it all smooths out and becomes very educational. It will open up job options, and it helps in the long run with your life. I highly recommend it!”

- Grade 7 student


Registration forms should be completed by May 31.

Click here to complete the registration form.


Have questions? 

Please contact 

ÉCKS Assistant Principal - Sabrina Heydorn

Phone: 780-672-7785
