Principal's Message

Principal's Message


It is with great excitement and a deep sense of privilege that I introduce myself as the new Principal of École Charlie Killam School.  As we embark on this journey together, I am eager to share my vision, values, and aspirations for our vibrant school community.

I bring to "Our House" a strong commitment to fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student, staff member, and family feels a strong sense of belonging and community.  A school is not merely a place of learning, but a home where relationships are formed, and lifelong memories are created. I am dedicated to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. Together, we will celebrate our achievements, support each other through challenges, and collaborate to ensure the success of every individual.

Athletics play a vital role in holistic education, fostering teamwork, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle. I am committed to upholding and enhancing our strong athletic programming by providing students with opportunities to build the values of sportsmanship, dedication, and perseverance, we prepare our students for success both on and off the playing field.

Open and effective communication is the cornerstone of a thriving school community. I am dedicated to maintaining transparent lines of communication with students, parents, teachers, and staff. Your insights, concerns, and ideas are invaluable, and I am here to listen and collaborate with you to ensure the best possible educational experience for our students.  

Finally, academic achievement is at the heart of our mission. I am committed to providing a challenging and enriching academic environment that inspires critical thinking, creativity, and a lifelong love of learning. By setting high standards and fostering a growth mindset, we will empower our students to achieve their full potential and become responsible global citizens.

I am honoured to serve École Charlie Killam School on this journey of growth and excellence. Together, we will shape an inclusive, vibrant, and academically enriching environment that prepares our students for a successful future. 

Here's to a wonderful year ahead!

Warm regards,

Andrea Gutmann